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Sensors & Instrumentation - Sensor Instrumentation - Display Instruments

Electronic instruments that provide local display and communication with a (control) host.

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 SIKO MA10/4
 BU MAXI 92 Line
 BU MICRO 94 line

Freely programmable electronic display for indicating position values captured by incremental and absolute measurement systems.
The alphanumeric display enables clear representation of measured values and user-definedrepresentation of length and angle units.

* high-contrast LCD, 12-digit, dot matrix
* connection to incremental or absolute-value (SSI) encoders
* freely programmable via front keyboard
* serial interface as an option
* speed/number of pieces measurement as an option
Ordercode Builders:
1.MA10/4-EG-1-LD/5-25-SO-RM-XX/XX-BS-S ... [more details]
SIKO MA10/4 LCD electronic display, panel mount, 230Vac 50Hz power supply, line driver input with 5 volt supply, 25Hz response, no switching outputs, grounded earth, without interface, blue front panel, with software.

BU MAXI 92 Line
A family of BIG DIGIT 3.5 and 4 digit red LED displays designed to display process signals, temperature, potentiometer position, resistance, strain bridge and frequency and rate.
57mm LED provide up to 25m visibility.
102mm LED provide up to 50m visibility

Description for Model 929100, Process Signal Input

  • Process Signal Input: 0...2V, 0...10V, 0/4...20mA, 0.2% accuracy, 100MΩ,470kΩ,10Ω input impedances
  • Display steps: 9999 digits
  • Display: 4 digit, 57mm (2.3") red LED
  • Dimensions: 240x120x40mm
  • Standard power supply: 18...28 V ac / dc
  • Sensors power supply: 24Vdc unregulated
  • Connections: screw on extractable connector
  • Case: anodized aluminium
  • Weight: ~ 1600 g
1.929100 ... [more details]
Binding Union panel meter featuring 57mm Red LED display. Process Signal Input: 0...2V, 0...10V, 0/4...20mA, 0.2% accuracy, 100MΩ,470kΩ,10Ω input impedances

BU MICRO 94 line
Top of the range, high-performance microprocessor-based indicators with a broad selection of options.
1.9470-S-69 ... [more details]
Binding Union 4 wire OHM-Meter for measuring and indicating potentiometer values for 0.2, 2, 20 and 200KΩ potentiometers. With option S, 90-270Vac 50Hz power supply. With option 69, RS232 output.

A compact, freely programmable 4-digit electronic display. The measured information captured from absolute sensors with analogue signal output such as potentiometer, voltage and loop current sources. The display can be freely programmed by the user.
1.MA50 ... [more details]
SIKO MA50 for measuring analogue values from poteniometer, voltage and current sources. Programmable.